rAmCharts - amPie


  • data: a dataframe with at least 2 columns: label (character), and value (numeric). See data_pie for example. You can add a third column “color” (character, colors in hexadecimal) to specify the colors.
  • show_values: a boolean, TRUE to display values.
  • depth: a numeric, between 0 and 100. If superior to 0, chart is displayed in 3D.
  • inner_radius: a numeric, between 0 ans 100. If superior to 0, the pie becomes a donut chart.
  • : other parameters called in amOptions.

Data used in the examples:

##       label value
## 1  Facebook    38
## 2   Twitter    25
## 3  LinkedIn    15
## 4   Google+    14
## 5 Pinterest     8

Reference example

amPie(data = data_pie)

Don’t display values

amPie(data = data_pie, show_values = FALSE)

3D pie

amPie(data = data_pie, depth = 10)

Donut chart

amPie(data = data_pie, inner_radius = 50)

All options

amPie(data = data_pie, inner_radius = 50, depth = 10, show_values = TRUE)



amPie(data = data_pie, legend = TRUE)
amPie(data = data_pie) %>>% 
  amOptions(legend = TRUE)


amPie(data = data_pie, legend = TRUE, legendPosition = "left")
amPie(data = data_pie) %>>% 
  amOptions(legend = TRUE, legendPosition = "left")


amPie(data = data_pie, export = TRUE)
amPie(data = data_pie) %>>% 
  amOptions(export = TRUE)


amPie(data = data_pie, export = TRUE, exportFormat = "JPG")
amPie(data = data_pie) %>>% 
  amOptions(export = TRUE, exportFormat = "JPG")

main and creditsPosition

amPie(data = data_pie, main = "My Pie",
        mainColor = "#68838B", mainSize = 25, creditsPosition = "bottom-right")
amPie(data = data_pie) %>>% 
  amOptions( main = "My Pie",
        mainColor = "#68838B", mainSize = 25, creditsPosition = "bottom-right")


amPie(data = data_pie, theme = "patterns")
amPie(data = data_pie) %>>% 
  amOptions(theme = "patterns")