Since visNetwork_2.0.0, you can visualize Classification and Regression Trees from the output of the rpart package, simply using visTree
Classification Tree
# Basic classification tree
res <- rpart(Species~., data=iris)
visTree(res, main = "Iris classification Tree", width = "100%")
Regression tree
res <- rpart(Petal.Length~., data=iris)
visTree(res, edgesFontSize = 14, nodesFontSize = 16, width = "100%")
res <- rpart(Opening~., data = solder, control = rpart.control(cp = 0.00005))
visTree(res, height = "800px", nodesPopSize = TRUE, minNodeSize = 10,
maxNodeSize = 30, width = "100%")
Use in shiny
Have a look at visTreeEditor
to edit and get back to the network, and at visTreeModuleServer
to use custom tree module in R.